Andrew (Drew) Rizzo, PhD, is an NIH NIDA Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the College of Public Health & Health Professions at the University of Florida, a co-founder of Campus Advocacy & Prevention Professionals Association (CAPPA), and co-principal/founder of Catalytical Consulting LLC. He holds a BA in Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, an MS in Higher Education from Oklahoma State University, and a PhD in Social Psychology from the University of New Hampshire.
Research Interest: Drew’s interests focus on community-based approaches to reducing interpersonal violence, promoting prosocial acts, and addressing substance misuse through novel behavioral interventions. His research utilized mixed-methods approaches to triangulate outcomes and effects, including multilevel modeling from survey research and qualitative phenomenology/content analysis. His current favorite projects include exploring the use of narrative/visuals in prevention efforts, and daily diary studies examining bystander behavior in bars, clubs, and other drinking venues.
Fellowship End Date: May 2024